You Reap WHERE you Sow!
Of course we all know you reap what you sow. However, not only do you reap WHAT you sow but you reap WHERE you sow. The bible gives the greatest depiction of the sower in Matthew 13 . It gave his entire life and him wasting and making profit of the seed God gave in about 2 paragraphs. What you are sowing is always important. however where you sow is just as important because you can sow one million dollars, diamonds, your valuable time, your worth into the most invaluable places and reap NOTHING. Lets say you were a farmer and had fresh pumpkin seeds, tomato seeds and watermelon seeds to plant. You took good care of the seeds because you knew you would get a harvest when you planted. You chose the prettiest day to go out and checked the forecast to make sure rain wasn't far. However you went out and planted your seeds in red clay and next to the murky water by the pond. Do you think you would receive a good harvest? NO This is what many of us do. We take the seeds God gives ...