
Showing posts from December, 2018

Damaged Relationships

The holidays are different for me now. Instead of people coming home to see me, now I am the one coming home. I uprooted from all things familiar and moved to a new land. So coming home is also coming back. I am coming back to familiar places, things and people. That can be exciting yet a little awkward depending upon how it was left. I saw someone recently that brought up all kind of emotions when my eyes rested on them. Everything raced through my head to tell them my true feelings, disappointments and deserved reads. Its a different kind of hurt when its revealed to you that someone pretended a relationship for the sake of their own malice intentions. It never seems fair when you are vulnerable but the other party is not as vulnerable. You feel like you gave a piece of yourself away for free. Don't even think of tallying time. Not only did you waste energy but time. In those short three seconds of assessing what reaction I should give. I gave a smile. That revealed a lot. Som...