Embrace Your Space
Every person has a space on this earth. Yes you have the space that you occupy right now. Maybe you are occupying your couch, work chair, seat in your car or a room in your home. However I am not referring to any of those. I am referring to THAT SPACE that completes your creation, the space that defines why you are here. A lot of us are still seeking where our space is. How do I know you ask? I know because of the infinite question, Why am I here that trumpets from the mountain tops of many of our lives. So many people are confused with their space. There are a lot of empty spaces waiting for occupancy, but there’s only ONE SPACE for you. The element that distracts us from discovering that space is comparison. Comparison is one of the most dangerous roads to take in life. It either leads you in a deep valley or a dead end. I am a lover of words, their break down and their meaning. My favorite third grade lesson at the private school I attended was stem words. ...