Chunter Blunter

Chunter is a term for someone who talks an excessive amount of time about something that is not interesting to their audience. (
Chunter is also a term for talking or grumble monotonously (www.
Blunt/blunter is a term for someone saying what they feel is true even if it offends or upsets their audience.
 Blunt could also be used for an object not pointy or sharp. There is a person in every circle that I would like to refer to as a chunter blunter. This person feels it a necessity to be blunt with everyone around them. They also excessively talk about the truth that they feel needs to be expressed. These individuals sometimes have a hard time targeting their intent. Is the intent of this bluntness to make a point or to progress the situation?
 Many times chunters feel they are saving a situation with their direct appeal, when in actuality sometimes they are stopping progression through unnecessary words. When excessively talking about an issue, it can be made into a billboard instead of a tool for improvement. Now don’t get me wrong, I believe in conflict. You cannot have change without conflict. However how we approach conflict is just as important as the conflict itself. Chunter blunters can sometimes stick the nail in the bill board of issues putting them on display if their approach is wrong. Now for some of you English majors out there, I know what you’re thinking. This is a grammatical error because blunter means to be more blunt. I understand, but I want to make this plain. I also want this phrase to stick with you so you can assess if you’re that person. Some issues need to be approached in a different way.
 Every issue doesn’t need head on conflict. Some need example and some need wisdom. What am I saying? Some issues need to be conflicted differently. For example, I have a friend who doesn’t negotiate well and short changes herself frequently. Instead of me always highlighting the fact that she is a horrible negotiator, as a friend, I would show her how to negotiate. If I didn't have the necessary information, I would refer her to the right person.  Just solely talking about the issue will not progress her, however showing her how will. When you are a chunter blunter you never hit a target sharp. Your point will always be dull and weak because your excessive talk about the issue will become overwhelming and difficult to deal with.
Needles are sharp for a reason, so that they can hit the vein with ease. A dull needle is excruciating. A sharp needle is painful as well but gets the job done without much damage. We should all be problem solvers but assess where your skill set is in problem solving and seek wisdom where you lack. If you always have chunter about an issue, you are more than likely putting it on display and making it more visible. If you’re always displaying an issue outside of you, you more than likely keep your own in a dark shed, hidden to never be dealt with. Be the solution. Find the problem and be the solution. Asses your intent and motive, cleanse and adjust. Check your heart with any matters that need to be solved to make sure you are effective and the process is done with ease. Conflict can be difficult, but you should reap growth. If you find yourself harboring the same mindset, words and emotions about an issue there’s no growth. Don’t be a chunter blunter. Be a solution.


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