New Doctorine Part 2

Dream #2 (year 1999)

My old church had gone on a trip.(We would frequently do church trips). This particular trip was in a deluxe hotel either in the city of Las Vegas or Los Angeles. All of the leadership and their families of the church were sitting in my apostle and pastor's suite. We were waiting on something but I'm not sure what we were waiting on. I distinctly remember all of the youth sitting by the window wishing by anyway possible we could leave and explore the city but all of the adults were sitting at this round table ticking like robots. None of the adults were talking or even in their right mind. They were each looking into space ticking. I walked over to my mom and asked her could I please go outside but to no response, she just ticked.... I went back to the window and cupped my chin in my palms and looked down on the busy street wishing I was out there. All of a sudden, an abnormally tall and buff man in a fiery red suit and a bible came walking up to the strip which seemed like from nowhere and began preaching. People were walking by at first but then decided to start entertaining what he was saying. He was doing his good preaching. He was hooping, yelling and it was so appealing to hear. This older Caucasian man walked up to him and started talking to him quietly. They seemed to be having a non- confrontational conversation but instantly the preacher roared and he began to grow into a demon. Teeth grew from his mouth and little horns appeared and the Caucasian man dropped dead. He was preaching a false gospel that sounded good but someone exposed him and he could not help but reveal himself. I felt like I was the only one in the world that saw everything. He looked up at my window and pointed at me and rushed into the hotel..... I LOST IT. I ran to my mom and dad and said, "lets go, hes coming to get us". They kept right on ticking and seemed to not hear me. Some of the youth saw me and some of the situation down below and said, "I am with you, lets go." We sped out of there so fast. We ended up in the city and the world was ending.... We ran through a train station, a mini mart, a mall and some other places then I ran into my mother. I said, "come on I think I know where to go, wheres dad and my brother." She stood still, I was pulling her hard, she looked at me and said, "I'm not going with you." I pleaded why and asked her was our family okay. She said that our family was fine and they were safe, she would go back to them but I had a journey to travel alone and we would meet again. I was furious, ran and cried. On my way I ran into a group of the youth from the room so I said I know the way, come on. They all followed me but we got so tired from running. One youth said. "here get on my back". So I got on but a little ways later he got tired and dropped me and ran off. Another one picked me up. However he got tired, dropped me and ran off. This happened about three more times. I was so weary and weak because I had no clue where I was going but I knew I was headed in the right direction if I could just get there, I would know when I saw it. Out of nowhere comes the preacher turned demon in the red suit.I kept running until I got to a beach shore. He was running after me like I was in a Jason  movie. He was walking a regular pace but even though I was running with everything in me he was still catching up. I was about to give up and I heard a voice say, "HEY OVER HERE. I looked up and it was Caucasian man who confronted the preacher on a boat on the beach. He said hurry up this is the place you were looking for. He held out his hand and I got on the boat and we sped off into the ocean. The devil yelled, "NOOOOOO", and I woke up.

This dream has so much meaning. God is still revealing new stuff to me everyday. However I got the gist.

My old church represented, the doctrine of old. (Not that anything is wrong with it) But the lethargic, governmental church where the people did nothing and expected the preacher and God to do everything. If you noticed in the beginning that's why they were just waiting. The question is waiting on what? I came up in a church where we "named it and claimed it". Instead of naming it, working it and claiming it. We were taught a faith teaching with no action, instead of faith without works is dead teaching. (James 2:20) Just go to that car lot, ask to test drive that car and while you have it slap oil on it and say, " It's mine in Jesus name", then wait. Wait on what? No job, no money, no money, no car no matter how much oil and prayer you have. We were waiting because my adolescent years were the revealing years of how some of that teaching just doesn't work. Those teachings were beginning to break down and not work hence the ticking. It was beginning to malfunction in front of our very the lives. So next generation is watching that malfunction and watching in expectation for something new. Here's where the new doctrine comes in. This new shiny red toy with all the perks to draw your attention. (James 4:3) This message is appealing because it caters to our everyday lives. Its okay, do it, God made you this way. He'll forgive you, just do it then ask him to forgive you. He already died on the cross for all your sins and he knows your going to sin again. That's why I believe that preacher was so appealing to the ever moving city with bright lights. People were beginning to stop and here his tricks and treats but not the truth. The truth only attracts people who are already looking for it. When the older man came to confront him he had nothing to defend what he was saying but death. Death is the only defense to a lie. When that man confronted him, the death of him symbolized this new doctrine will try every way possible to tear down the truth before the eyes of the people who don't want it. When the demon saw me and the youth he knew that he was coming up against a force to be reckoned with  because we saw the last doctrine waste away. Truth bearers will always be on the hit list for false doctrine. The reason why is because we govern our lives after the truth and have seen all else fail. False doctrine knows that we have an up on it because its a revamped trick from an old trick box. I ran into my mother at one point. (my mother is the most caring, loving, God-rearing woman in real life so she was just a representative of something bigger in the dream. God used her to keep my attention on what she was representing). When I saw her she knew it was this generation's turn to behead this monster. That's why it was made clear to me that I was going to have to walk this journey alone. There is nothing new under the sun.(Ecclesiastes 1:9) Someone else did it for her generation. The city represented all of the turmoil and tragedy that we would have to go through to get to the place we were supposed to be and that many would drop and drop us along the way. Nothing is eternal but the truth, everything else is temporary and will not last. When I got to that shore and that devil was after me, I heard the words, HEY OVER HERE. That man represented the exposing, everlasting and always standing TRUTH. The truth of God and His word is the safest place to be and nothing can touch you when your in it. I gladly joined him and woke up.....

1 Timothy 4:1

Now the Spirit expressly says that in later times some will depart from the faith by devoting themselves to deceitful spirits and teachings of demons


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