
Damaged Relationships

The holidays are different for me now. Instead of people coming home to see me, now I am the one coming home. I uprooted from all things familiar and moved to a new land. So coming home is also coming back. I am coming back to familiar places, things and people. That can be exciting yet a little awkward depending upon how it was left. I saw someone recently that brought up all kind of emotions when my eyes rested on them. Everything raced through my head to tell them my true feelings, disappointments and deserved reads. Its a different kind of hurt when its revealed to you that someone pretended a relationship for the sake of their own malice intentions. It never seems fair when you are vulnerable but the other party is not as vulnerable. You feel like you gave a piece of yourself away for free. Don't even think of tallying time. Not only did you waste energy but time. In those short three seconds of assessing what reaction I should give. I gave a smile. That revealed a lot. Som...

Embrace Your Space

Every person has a space on this earth. Yes you have the space that you occupy right now. Maybe you are occupying your couch, work chair, seat in your car or a room in your home. However I am not referring to any of those. I am referring to THAT SPACE that completes your creation, the space that defines why you are here.   A lot of us are still seeking where our space is. How do I know you ask? I know because of the infinite question, Why am I here that trumpets from the mountain tops of many of our lives. So many people are confused with their space. There are a lot of empty spaces waiting for occupancy, but there’s only ONE SPACE for you. The element that distracts us from discovering that space is comparison.   Comparison is one of the most dangerous roads to take in life. It either leads you in a deep valley or a dead end. I am a lover of words, their break down and their meaning. My favorite third grade lesson at the private school I attended was stem words. ...

Chunter Blunter

Chunter is a term for someone who talks an excessive amount of time about something that is not interesting to their audience. ( ) Chunter is also a term for t alking or grumble monotonously ( www. ) Blunt/blunter is a term for someone saying what they feel is true even if it offends or upsets their audience.  Blunt could also be used for an object not pointy or sharp. There is a person in every circle that I would like to refer to as a chunter blunter. This person feels it a necessity to be blunt with everyone around them. They also excessively talk about the truth that they feel needs to be expressed. These individuals sometimes have a hard time targeting their intent. Is the intent of this bluntness to make a point or to progress the situation?  Many times chunters feel they are saving a situation with their direct appeal, when in actuality sometimes they are stopping progression through unnecessary words. Whe...

Where is my confidence?

One of my uphill struggles in life has always been my confidence. I would literally ask myself, “where is my confidence”? I would never feel confident or worthy enough to do ultimately anything. I always nominated someone else because I thought everyone did it better than me. I lacked confidence, period. As challenges arose in my life where my confidence would have to take the driver seat, I stayed in park. I would freeze and do nothing afraid of doing something wrong. I was afraid of embarrassment, chastisement, and humiliation. As I became introduced to my adulthood, I realized that I couldn’t run from the moments that challenged my confidence. They were always going to show up. So I needed to become equipped on how to operate in self- confidence. How do I operate in self- confidence? One of the biggest myths in self-confidence is some inner bomb going off in side of you that makes you see everything different. An “I feel pretty” phenomenon externally changing your perspective ab...

Don't Get Weary

Life holds so many elements of exchange. There is responsibility in everything, even if you decide to relinquish it. It is very important to find those moments in life to get quite, centered and grounded. So much goes on around us. There is an invisible fight that takes place every day in your inner man. To hold to my morals or not, that is the question. When things don’t work in your favor, do you stop? If people act unfairly towards you, do you stop? No, you keep going. However when life overwhelms you, take a moment and get centered. Remember your maker and your make-up. Assess the areas that need to be trimmed and what areas need to blossom. Work to improve others, while improving you. Make the proper adjustments and invest in the profitable. Be aware that you can’t do everything and you will never succeed doing nothing. Balance is golden. It makes everything level out. Emotions are a part of our human anatomy. You can’t ignore emotions but you can control them. Work on contro...

Grace to the Humble

God resists the proud, yet gives Grace to the humble. (James 4:6) Pride depreciates the value of your gift. What ever you are graced to do will lose its effect in haughtiness. Never allow the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye or the pride of life to be your driving force. We are called to be servants of all. If pride drives you, you will only accomplish being a servant of self. Self Service equals Self Sabotage. Self sabotage is a slow, low boiling pot to destruction. It doesn't get you there fast, but it gets you there with certainty. Don't be deceived. Pride is selfish, pride is Arrogant, pride is self-seeking, pride is very dogmatic and pride kills. Whatever gift God has granted you, stay humble. God resists the proud and will allow you to work your gift with no grace. Grace is sufficiency to us. The dictionary defines suffiency as enough or adequate. Grace is all we need. Pride is succulent to the tongue but bitter to the stomach. It is a deadly additive with a savory ...

Challenge and Conflict: keys to life

Challenge and conflict are sometimes the things most avoided in life. When you think about the word conflict it can come off taboo. The term makes you think of opposing forces coming together and crashing. Conflict is an uncomfortable place, but it is very necessary in life. Challenge can be just that, challenging. However once again this is a necessary key to life. Without conflict or challenge, change is non-existent. When two masses of land come together and collide it creates a mountain. Some monuments in your life will never be formed until you face certain challenges and embrace conflict. Now, there is a major difference between being a confrontational person and embracing conflict. If you are just confrontational by nature and can never agree on anything, just think of yourself as being an automobile. Have you ever been on the road with a reckless driver? You don't know where they're coming from or where they're going, and you can't dictate the intent of their ...