Grace to the Humble

God resists the proud, yet gives Grace to the humble. (James 4:6) Pride depreciates the value of your gift. What ever you are graced to do will lose its effect in haughtiness. Never allow the lust of the flesh, lust of the eye or the pride of life to be your driving force. We are called to be servants of all. If pride drives you, you will only accomplish being a servant of self. Self Service equals Self Sabotage. Self sabotage is a slow, low boiling pot to destruction. It doesn't get you there fast, but it gets you there with certainty. Don't be deceived. Pride is selfish, pride is Arrogant, pride is self-seeking, pride is very dogmatic and pride kills. Whatever gift God has granted you, stay humble. God resists the proud and will allow you to work your gift with no grace. Grace is sufficiency to us. The dictionary defines suffiency as enough or adequate. Grace is all we need. Pride is succulent to the tongue but bitter to the stomach. It is a deadly additive with a savory taste. Pride will always depreciate your value in the sight of the Lord, for He resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble.


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