New Doctrine!

Dream #1:

I went to sleep and immediately woke up on this bridge in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. I shared the bridge with what seemed to be the rest of humanity. There were so many people on this bridge I could not look behind me and see where the people stopped. In front of me I saw a great leader of the gospel that is with us today. He was standing in front of the people and we were following him. It dawned on me as I stood there, that I was standing with the Body of Christ, believers, Christians, fellow workers of the faith. I felt a sense of family and belonging on the bridge but I knew something was up. First I felt a rumble in my stomach, then the rumble went to my feet, then the rumble began to shake the actual bridge. I was so terrified and yelled, "HOLD ON". As soon as I yelled that a huge wave came over the bridge. It was so vivid I could hear myself screaming under water. The wave ceased and there were so many people knocked off the bridge. There were people floating in the water and people on the bridge, no one was fighting if they got knocked down on the bridge or off the bridge they were dead. The leader in the front waived his hand and the crowd began to move. We walked and I could remember stepping over a lot of luggage. All of a sudden the rumble in my stomach happened again, then my feet, then the bridge. I yelled " HOLD ON" as loud as I could. The wave crashed onto the bridge and took out a massive amount of people. When the water ceased there were so many missing in front of me and behind me. Then the great leader held up his hand and the crowd moved. Once again I felt a rumble in my stomach but this time I became petrified because the rumble was to strong to bare. I felt the rumble in my stomach then my feet and then the bridge. This time the wave was so big it towered over us for at least 10 sec. When this wave hit, it sounded like an explosion. I didn't even have enough time to scream hold on. The wave basically took a huge chunk of the few remaining people off of the bridge. Once the waive ceased, the great leader waved his hand and we were moving swiftly. I remember jogging over baggage and baby bodies wrapped up in blankets. We finally got to the shore and it was a huge city and the world was ending. There was complete turmoil and chaos everywhere. The leader led us into the city but a lot of the people that were on the bridge and made it through the crashing waves were getting off focus and leaving the group. I saw some people leaving the group because they found old friends and old family members. Some people just seemed to walk away. I knew that the only safety was being with that group so I kept my eyes on the leader the whole time. I got distracted at one point because I heard a familiar voice. It was my old youth pastor. I stopped and said, "Hey come with us we know where to go". She said no I have to witness for the Lord and save all the lost souls. I said okay but I know where safety is, your not safe out here. She insisted on staying out in the chaos. I realized that I lost sight of the group and took off. I found them but they were going through the hardest and scariest places in the city. I remember jumping down a dark stairwell where the stairs had collapsed. I remember going through a long dark tunnel and being terrified. When I looked up there were about 30 people in the group. Now in the beginning there was an infinite number of people but now  no one. As soon as I realized how many people were left, the leader said, " We've arrived, we made it". When I looked up it was an old historical, beautiful cathedral that was untouched from all the madness around it. We walked into the cathedral and there were about 3 elderly people sitting in the sanctuary quietly praying. The leader of the group got on the piano in the bottom level of the cathedral and he began to play while we all began to sing. It was like a show and God was the audience. All of a sudden the heavens opened and I could hear the angels singing as well. I lifted my hands and God's presence was literally tangible and I woke up.

I had this dream about 7 years ago. This dream still sticks with me because some things are still being revealed as the years go by. 

This dream has so much meaning and revelation to it. The people definitely represent those who have and are striving to have a relationship with God. The waves represent the different types of doctrines that will hit the church to sway every person possible from the simple truth. Each wave represented an idea that man has created to look connected to God while being drawn by his own evil lust. Every time the wave would hit, it would only knock over the ones who were not anchored and had nothing to hold on to. Most of the people who had nothing to hold onto were holding on to baggage and other people. They were holding on to things that were not steady had no root or connection to the actual bridge, the very thing separating them from the water. Once the waves completed their jobs, the people who weren't effected were able to move on. However the test was not over. I remember walking off the bridge and seeing nothing but baggage and babies. The baggage represented the stuff that was temporal and was not rooted and grounded in anything. It also represent the weights that do so easily beset us. The babies represented the new babes in Christ who get attached with the wrong people. Paul's testimony stated, " Follow me as I follow Christ". The babes followed  people whose testimony stated, "Follow me as I follow me". Once we got off the bridge we were faced with the state of the world, TOTAL CHAOS. No one had clear direction, people were just running everywhere. The ones who were not fully committed but passed the test on the bridge, failed as soon as they saw there loved ones and old friends. I even remember seeing some people switching from  a modest christian on the bridge to lustfully kissing their boyfriends and girlfriends when they saw them. The journey of obstacles represented the road less traveled. The hard, dark, dim road that we have to take by way of persecution, slander, poverty and sickness for the sake of Christ. The road was hard but there was assurance in my soul that it was the right road. It was all worth it in the end. The cathedral represented the place of God's sovereign rule and reign. The whole point of existence. I remember not thinking anymore of all the trials I had endured once I lifted my hands. All of my attention was on Him. 
Truth be told this is the bulk of some of our lives. HOLD ON for dear life. Follow the instructions given by God through His word, through his prophets and men and women of God. Lay aside every weight that so easily besets you. Get connected with the right people so you can always be guided back to the true source,  the foundation.Take the road less traveled, it may be hard but its worth it. Don't get side tracked and swindled by the old voices and faces that resurface when they see you are serious about the good fight of faith. Do these things so that you can see His glory revealed in your life in the end.


  1. Maybe the rumble in your stomach represents desire, and the rumble in your feet represents action.
    James 1:14-15
    14 but each person is tempted when they are dragged away by their own evil desire and enticed. 15 Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.


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