
I had this dream about 7 years ago now. In this dream I was at a carnival and the whole world was apart of this carnival, It was at night and I remember the whole world being in line to wait for the carnival to open. I was standing in the middle of the line with my husband (my friend at the time) and two of the leaders of my church at the time. I had this eerie feeling but I didn't want to damper everyone's excitement about the carnival. It had rides that looked like sky scrapers. We were all so excited but I couldn't shake this weird feeling. I was standing in line talking and laughing and the holy spirit put his hand over my mouth and told me to be quiet and watch. I stopped talking and started listening and watching everything around me. As I was watching everything started being magnified and it was so much going on. I looked up in the sky and saw this little demon on the moon with measuring tape. He was walking around the moon and laughing. I hollered as loud as I could, "HEY LOOK AT THAT MAN ON THE MOON". Everyone looked up and brushed it off, as to say" so", even though they could see him. I started getting really scared because the demon was up to no good. As he was walking around the moon he had a red button and he began to laugh really loud and hard and then he pushed the button. The moon blew up to little pieces and it got pitch black. I couldn't even see my hand in front of my face. All of a sudden moon pieces began hitting earth and killing people left and right, Everyone started running to get away from the debris, but it was so big it wasn't missing anyone. I got so scared I started running but everyone around me was dying so I decided to kneel down and start praying and asking for guidance. While I was on my knees praying I began to hear the rocks hitting tin. When I came up off the ground I was in a tin building with my husband and the two leaders I was in line with. When I looked down there was a paper that had test written on it with one question, a pencil and a timer. We looked at each other and began to panic. The timer started and we had no clue what would happen once it went off. I started asking them whats the answer, whats the answer and no one had it, All of sudden I figured the same way I asked God for protection let me ask him for the answer. I got back on my knees and began to pray and when I looked back on my paper, it was a multiple question that said, yes, no or maybe. I chose yes and woke up. In this dream I knew that God was showing a more universal approach because this dream pertained to each one of our lives. In the middle of pleasure and chaos there is always a test and to that test there is always the wrong answer and the right answer. When you ask Him you will always get the answer right. When you panic and look everywhere outside of Him you will only waste time and the timer is ticking. If you find yourself in a test and don't know the answer. Ask the one who made the test, the secret is, he'll give you the answer. Deuteronomy 30:15- I set before this day life and death, chose life ( HE GAVE US THE ANSWER)!!!!!!!!!!!!


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