Man in the Mirror!

Something profound happens when you are forced to face yourself. Something unexplainable happens when you have to be exposed for what you've made yourself to be, because the real you shows up. Something incomparableble happens when the right situation comes and who you have pretended to be takes the back seat. That something is called "FREEDOM". It is sometimes the most uncomfortable feeling to face yourself, your actions, your secrets.  We will spend a whole life working two full-time jobs to cover it up. However in exposure comes the most breath-taking feeling of freedom. It feels like you are being suffocated by a plastic bag and someone comes and cuts a slit in it. God operates only in spirit and truth. He uses us to do His handy work on this earth. He can not use you for your good if you are not true to yourself and those around you. The funny thing is we know what we're hiding. We can even remember when we started hiding it. We put these blinders on that convince us we are who we say we are but there are some deep, dark things that we are still holding on to. We even get brave enough to accept our mess and say "This is just who I am". However you know its not. Being free to be you in Him is why your in this world. Being a clone, cover-up or copy is is not what you were created to be. I hope that every person that reads this has that tremendous moment where life holds up a mirror to you and you are forced to look in it. While that mirror is being held up to you, take a minute and LOOK at the reflection. Pay attention to what you see and make the necessary adjustments so that God can freely use you. The real kicker is once you've discarded all the junk, lies, deceit and pretending and lay it at His feet, He'll pick that up and use it too.  There is no feeling like FREE!



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