Seeds are planted to GROW!

When a planter plants seeds, he plants them on open soil. The soil may not be fully aware that seeds are being laid, but if its open the farmer has the right to plant to bring a harvest.

Some of our hearts are like that open soil. If its open and a farmer comes to plant you may not know why he's planting, what he's planting and even when he planted. However if he did and you were open, that seed HAS been planted. Now you are the carrier of the seed, it has begun the process of growth and reaping. If the right elements come and nurture that seed, it WILL began to grow. All that seed needs to do is get connected with the right life source and its ALL OVER. Hence a baby. There is eggs that will have been in a women's body way before the seed, but once it gets connected to that seed breeding begins.
Be careful what you open your heart to, because if its a bad seed you may not have seen it go in but if it gets connected to the right situation, conversation, attitude, disposition or iniquity it will GROW. Guard your hearts. Whats in you WILL GROW!


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